uld say anything, Han Junting’s card was tossed onto his face.
“You don’t have to say anything.
I don’t want to say another word to
In other words, Assistant Manager Zhuo was not worthy.
Assistant Manager Zhuo’s expression changed immediately.
However, due to the nature of his work, he didn’t flare up immediately and endured it.
Not long after, an older person walked over.
When he saw Han Junting, he couldn’t help but reveal a smile.
He bowed again and bent his back to greet her.
“Miss Han, you’re here? To what do we owe this honor? Your presence has really brought light to our humble restaurant! What are you all still standing around for? Hurry up and make arrangements for Miss Han!”
“Manager Pang, I’m here but Assistant Manager Zhuo told me to wait for a private room.
I was thinking that my VIP status was useless.
I didn’t expect it to be so useless,” Han Junting said sourly.
Manager Pang had a round face and was chubby.
He immediately squeezed out a smile.
“How is that possible? Miss Han, you’re our restaurant’s guest.
Why would we treat you like this? Zhuo Liping, tell us, what exactly happened?”
Assistant Manager Zhuo was about to speak when Manager Pang stopped him.
“I know.
No matter what, we can’t let Miss Han suffer.” As he spoke, he winked at Assistant Manager Zhuo, using his gaze to tell him, ‘Do you know how much the Han family spends every year in the restaurant? The Han family always holds their business banquet in our restaurant.
I don’t care what the reason is, apologize to Miss Han now!’
“Manager Pang, do you want to disregard the rules of the restaurant now?” Assistant Manager Zhuo’s expression turned slightly cold.
), Please let us know so we can fix it as soon as possible.
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