have no objections.” Lin Wenyu nodded.
Su Bei did not think about what good things she could buy here.
She just hoped they could repair Lin Wenyu’s bracelet.
Feng Cheng shook his head vigorously to express his disagreement.
Su Bei looked down at her phone.
The message said: [Even if I get something, I don’t want it.
I didn’t pay for it.]
“But we’re counting on you for this,” Su Bei said, “Just treat it as my and Wenyu’s investment in you.”
“Yes, treat it as our investment.” Lin Wenyu was also very straightforward.
[But I still owe you a lot…] Feng Cheng typed again.
Before he could finish, Su Bei interrupted him.
“Don’t be so wishy-washy.”
Feng Cheng’s face turned red and he could only agree to do as Su Bei said.
The three of them walked around to look at various stalls.
However, it was obvious that they couldn’t even buy the smallest piece with 200,000 yuan.
Su Bei couldn’t afford to pay for it in private as she was afraid of hurting Lin Wenyu’s pride.
Furthermore, buying stones was too risky so she couldn’t spend
too much either.
Feng Cheng looked at every stone piece by piece.
From his eyes, it could be seen that he was very professional.
$u Bei recalled his previous craftsmanship and abilities.
She believed that he could get the materials to repair the bracelet.
However… Before a stone was opened, even scientists with the most advanced instruments could not verify what was inside, How could a human’s naked eye completely see through the stones?
If there was really a way to see what was inside the stone, it wouldn’t be called stone gambling.
Su Bei tilted her head and said to Lin Wenyu, “If we see small stones that are cheap, we can buy them for fun and use them as decorations.”
“Okay, that sounds like a plan.” Lin Wenyu had fallen in love with Su Bei at first sight, so she had no objections to what she said..
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