preferences, she picked food for him and ate happily.
After dinner, Gun Gun devoured the mango pomelo sago.
When he got full, he played for a while.
Then he took a shower and climbed into Su Bei’s big bed.
Su Bei was about to go to her room to join Gun Gun when Lu Heting suddenly asked, “Are you busy with the show?”
“Yes, I have contacted their director, and he agreed that I can be the substitute,” she replied confidently.
“Do you have any difficulties?” he asked again.
His voice was steady and powerful, making people feel that he was always trustworthy.
With a confident smile, she sat down and said, “I already have a plan to replace Su Huixian in the show.”
Lu Heting felt particularly proud upon hearing her answer.
This was definitely his woman!
“Is everything ready?” He had actually planned to do everything for her.
But seeing the confidence on her face, it seemed that she didn’t need him anymore.
He somehow felt a little disappointed in his heart.
But all of a sudden, a tinge of embarrassment surfaced on Su Bei’s face.
Lu Heting became excited at once.
His deep-set black eyes stared at her, hoping that she would ask something from him.
However, he soon realized that he shouldn’t be thinking like this.
So he coughed lightly to ease the embarrassment in his heart.
“My father signed a ribbon-cutting ceremony for me.
But the schedule conflicts with Orisa Fashion Show.
Today, I went to inquire about the company, and I found out that it was not a decent one.
It is actually a KTV that would reopen after renovation.
This was their previous ribbon-cutting ceremony.”
Su Bei took out a photo and handed it to Lu Heting.
In the photo, the so-called models were all barmaids in the KTV.
They dressed very little, flirting with the people around.
They were not real models at all.
A trace of anger flashed across Lu Heting’s deep-set black eyes.
“If I don’t show up in the ribbon-cutting ceremony, I have to pay one million yuan for the breach of contract.” A hint of bitterness appeared on Su Bei’s face.
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