ulcer and there are no major problems in your follow-up examination.
Then, you can eat cold food again.” Lu Heting held her head in his arms.
“I’m really scared.
I’m scared that something will happen to you and you’ll leave me.
You can’t make any more mistakes in the future, okay?”
His voice was low and husky.
Even now, he still felt a lingering fear in his heart.
Su Bei could sense his emotions.
Feeling sorry for him, she said, “Then I’ll stop eating those things.
I won’t drink coke anymore.”
It was just a bottle of coke.
Compared to Lu Heting, she would rather have him.
Hence, she had to take good care of her body in order to love him better.
Lu Heting laughed and whispered, “Really?”
“I mean what I say!” Su Bei believed that she had the willpower to do it.
Besides, there were many more things that made her happier than coke.
Lu Heting patted her head and smiled happily.
He knew that she was thinking about him, so he was so happy.
When Lu Heting went to the company, Lu Hang couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the man smiling at him from afar.
Rubbing his eyes, Lu Hang finally believed that this smiling man was his boss.
It seemed that the sun had risen from the west today.
To be honest, he had been working for Lu Heting for more than ten years.
He was used to Lu Heting’s cold face and alienation.
Only when the young madam was around did he seem to smile a little, but most of the time, he looked like he had lost a lot of money.
Lu Hang had never seen him smile so brightly like he was now.
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