, it was not that she did not have any concerns.
She was also afraid that something would happen to her.
She still had Da Bao, Gun Gun, and Lu Heting to protect.
However, at the thought that it was her friend and an innocent baby, she could not calmly wait for the police to arrive.
It was just like the time she and Da Bao had problems in the past.
Many friends had also reached out to help her…
She could feel Lu Heting’s heartbeat as he held her.
She said in a low voice, “I won’t do it again, don’t worry.”
“Okay.” Lu Heting was finally satisfied.
When she rushed over earlier, Lu Heting had been extremely worried.
The feeling of loss had crept into his heart again, making his heart feel bleak and desolate.
He could not afford to lose her.
“But what I said just now is true.
If you were in any danger, I would also charge over regardless of the danger.”
“I disapprove of that.”
“I don’t need your approval.” Su Bei harrumphed.
“Silly.” Lu Heting patted her head.
He hugged Su Bei tightly.
“Let’s go home first.”
Since she started being by his side, the word ‘home’ sounded exceptionally gentle in his mouth.
Lu Heting had to go back first because he still had Liang Hanwen’s matter to deal with.
However, before Lu Hang could get Liang Hanwen to come over, Zhang Baozhen had already posted something online.
Her phone was not confiscated and Lv Shan was not seriously injured, so the police did not detain her.
They only brought her back to the station to lecture her a little.
She posted on the internet and named Su Bei.
“Everyone, I’m going to officially announce the name of my husband’s mistress now.
This mistress is very arrogant.
Not only did she hook up with my husband but she even made use of my husband’s resources to rise to fame..
Now, she has become an extremely popular model in the entertainment industry.”
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