r Lu,” Su Bei said, “I’m sorry for troubling you with this matter.”
Yue Ze did not find it troublesome.
As an agent, he had a duty and responsibility to deal with these situations.
A while after Su Bei left, Zhang Baozhen posted that statement on Weibo.
Lu Heting easily guessed that it had something to do with Su Bei and Lv Shan.
He immediately asked Lu Hang to investigate what was the situation with Lv Shan and her child.
That way, if anyone used this matter to bully Su Bei and make a big fuss, he would be able to respond in time.
Cai Anying sat beside Zhang Baozhen and said, “Lv Shan is really cunning.
She refuses to admit it even now.
When the child is born, she’ll definitely come to snatch your family’s assets.
By relying on her child, she has nothing to fear.”
Cai Anying had only recently entered Zhang Baozhen’s circle of friends.
Of course, it was also because of Su Huixian’s current status that she had a place in the circle of socialites.
Otherwise, with her qualifications, she could only rely on plastic surgery to become a mini-Su Bei.
She would not be able to leave an impression on a socialite like Zhang Baozhen.
Zhang Baozhen blew out a smoke ring.
“Are you sure you saw Lv Shan with my husband?”
“Although I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I heard people talk about it.
You saw those photos too.
Don’t you believe me?”
Zhang Baozhen did see the photos, but they were all from four years ago.
The reason why she was willing to believe Cai Anying’s words was because her husband had indeed become much colder to her recently.
Something must have happened outside.
Without a child between them, they were indeed more fragile than the typical couple.
She had to take out her anger on Lv Shan!
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