Chapter 368: It Turned Out That The Entire Hotel Was Booked
Su Huixian could see Du Luo’s painstaking efforts.
This was not only a banquet to restore her reputation but it was also a good opportunity to introduce the Du family’s investment this time.
She and Qiu Minxuan arrived at Huiyao Hotel early.
In another car were Zhu Fenfen, Zhong Xiu, and the other artists who were close to Su Huixian.
Su Huixian was considered one of the two hosts of this banquet, so she came early.
As soon as Qiu Minxuan entered Huiyao Hotel, she took in the luxurious atmosphere.
She could not help but say, “Mr.
Luo booked the whole venue.
I thought he only booked Hall Six.”
The banquet arranged by Du Luo tonight was held in Hall 6.
The invitation letter that everyone received also said that it was in Hall 6.
Thinking that Du Luo had booked the entire venue and chased away all the irrelevant people just to host her a banquet, Su Huixian smiled.
She did not take the car to the underground parking lot.
Instead, she got out of the car at the entrance of the hotel and appreciated the sight of Huiyao Hotel that was specially booked today with Qiu Minxuan.
Zhu Fenfen and Zhong Xiu also hurriedly got out of the car and followed Su Huixian.
Zhu Fenfen exclaimed in amazement, “Wow, Mr.
Luo is so generous! It turns out that he’s booked the entire venue.
No wonder the journey here was so smooth.”
“Of course, Mr.
Luo had to book the whole venue.
Huixian has too many fans.
Otherwise, it’ll be too crowded.”
Zhong Xiu complimented Su Huixian.
Qiu Minxuan looked at the exquisite tulips in front of her and said with a smile, “There are all kinds of tulips of all colors.
There’s even the rarest kind, the Augustus Tulip.
This tulip is favored among aristocrats.
In its native country, the price of an Augustus is about the same as the price of a house from hundreds of years ago.
Even now, the price is not that much lower.
It was probably flown here by air.
“These Ice Cream Tulips look like ice cream.
They’re very beautiful, but they’re only in bloom for a short while.
You can only see them in April and May.
It’s already August, but we can still look at these Ice Cream Tulips.
Luo really worked hard this time.
Hearing Qiu Minxuan’s words, Zhu Fenfen and Zhong Xiu could not help but click their tongues.
Du Luo was really generous.
“I really envy you, Huixian.”
Su Huixian walked all the way in.
Besides these rare and exotic flowers, there was also an exquisite banner with the words “I wish Miss Su a bright future.
“I wish you luck and happiness.
I wish you both success in love and career.”
It looked like the hotel had prepared the banner.
When they entered the hall, they found that it was empty.
However, the tables were all set up.
In the lobby, there was a large and expensive chandelier.
The shiny silver cutleries were very eye-catching and luxurious.
The hotel manager came forward with a respectful smile.
“Miss Su, please come in.
Staff, hurry up and serve tea to the guests.”
Su Huixian and the others sat down at the table and enjoyed the delicious tea.
When Zhu Fenfen came back from the restroom, Zhong Xiu asked, “Why did you take so long?”
Zhu Fenfen said in a low voice, “The hotel is too big.
I made a mistake just now and walked to the kitchen by accident.
I saw a top chef checking the ingredients for tonight’s dinner.
I heard that the ingredients are all the best and super fresh as they were flown in by air.
He’s one of the best chefs around.
We can really eat our fill tonight.”
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