>Du Luo… I’m sorry.
Our son is gone… Doctor Chen did a check-up on me before and said that we were having a son.
But I didn’t expect that… I’m useless…”
When Du Changwei and Sun Jingping heard that Su Bei had been carrying their grandson, they felt as if their souls had left their bodies.
How could their family be so unlucky to lose a grandson?
“I’m sorry, Du Luo.
I didn’t protect our son well.
If I had seen Su Bei there today, I would’ve left.
Such a thing wouldn’t have happened then…” She cried pitifully.
Her face, which was covered with makeup, looked pale and weak.
However, she looked so beautiful and fragile at the same time.
Du Luo was heartbroken.
Xu Zhiqin understood what she meant.
“Huixian, what did you say? You said that your miscarriage has something to do with Su Bei?”
They had rushed over as soon as they received the call.
They had not even taken a look at the news on the Internet.
Besides, older people did not have the habit of looking at Weibo.
Du Luo had been too busy to read the news, while Qiu Minxuan did not say anything either.
Hence, he did not know that the incident today had something to do with Su Bei.
Su Huixian pursed her lips and silently cried.
Du Luo also snapped out of his daze and asked, “Huixian, did Su Bei push you?”
“Du Luo, I’m sorry… I didn’t expect it to be like this.
She said that even though she doesn’t like you anymore and you’re a scumbag, I don’t deserve you.
She also said a lot of horrible things.
I didn’t want to tell you about this, but my child was innocent…” Su Huixian burst into tears.
“This wicked woman!” Su Xingfu shouted.
“I must break her legs!”
Then, he rushed out.
“Dad, don’t go looking for her… Du Luo, help me stop Dad…” Su Huixian said in a weak voice.
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