rom receiving gifts from her fans, she also had such a good fiance.
They were all too envious!
Qiu Minxuan deliberately walked very slowly so that everyone could appreciate and admire the expensive diamond.
They indeed admired it and were sincerely envious of Su Huixian.
Finally, Qiu Minxuan walked up to Su Huixian and said with a smile, “Mr.
Luo’s diamond is about three carats.
He said that you can embed it into any kind of jewelry you like.
You can just get someone to cut and embed it.”
“Let me think about it first,” Su Huixian said with a smile.
Zhu Fenfen suggested, “Huixian, don’t you want to put it on your wedding ring?”
Su Huixian’s heart skipped a beat.
They only got engaged because of the “child” in her stomach, so they still had a long way to go before they could get married.
Her fake pregnancy was still her deepest secret.
If the Du family found out about this, would they still let them get married?
Qiu Minxuan explained with a smile, “Fenfen, what are you talking about? This is just a small gift from Mr.
It’s not worthy to be inlaid in a wedding ring? Mr.
Luo has already prepared a ten-carat diamond that’s the size of a pigeon egg for Huixian’s wedding ring.
Why would he use such a small diamond?”
As soon as she said this, everyone was envious again.
Even the award-winning actresses and famous actresses with excellent resources could not help but to feel envious as well.
They had good resources, a lot of fans, and a lot of money.
However, they were still envious of Su Huixian who came from a good family background.
Her husband’s family was also a good match for hers.
Others were born with a halo around them but they still had to work hard.
It was not easy to find a suitable partner to marry, let alone finding true love.
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