“Su Bei is very busy.
She wants you to help her take care of me, even though I don’t need it.
Because of me, she wasted several years and wasn’t able to pursue her dream.
“So, Lu Heting, let’s reunite and let her focus on the career she’s pursuing.
Da Bao was as mature and steady as Lu Heting.
His love for Su Bei was exactly the same as Lu Heting’s.
He would support her and agree to do whatever she wanted.
Besides protecting her, he would never burden her or disturb her.
Lu Heting reached out his hand to him.
Da Bao held his right hand tightly.
“Oh my God! He’s really my sister-in-law’s biological son! I’m so touched!” Tears welled up in Lu Weijian’s eyes as he rushed in and hugged Da Bao, about to kiss him on the face.
Lu Heting quickly stopped him.
He knew that his son did not like being kissed at all.
Besides, Lu Weijian was crying with snot dripping from his nose.
Lu Weijian did not kiss Da Bao, but he was still excited.
“My dear boy, stay and work with me.
We’ll defeat those demons and monsters together.
Lu Group has the best finance system.
Not only does it manage its own finances, but it also provides financial security for most enterprises in Jingdu City.
In other words, if you work here, you’ll be protecting the safety of more than half of the people in S Country.”
Da Bao’s eyes lit up with interest.
“Also, my gaming club is one of the best in S Country.
But not many players are better than you.
In time, you can stand at the top.
You can do anything you want as long as you’re with me.”
Da Bao’s eyes lit up even more.
He found both of these things very interesting, so his hands started to itch as well.
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