But he didn’t want them to get too close.
After all, his brother was a man.
And if he was a man, he would be a threat.
No, maybe women were also threats.
He recently created a Weibo account and saw a lot of fans of Su Bei, and many girls who were obsessed with Su Bei’s long legs discussing to be the mother of Su Bei’s kids.
Lu Heting was jealous because of these female fans for days.
Fortunately, they couldn’t let Su Bei get pregnant!
As for him, it was possible for him to let Su Bei give birth to a baby for him.
Thinking of this, he was happy.
Seeing his brother’s smile, Lu Weijian praised him even more vigorously, “Sister-in-law, although my brother is not a real one, he is more like a real one.
His working ability and style are not inferior to that of the members of the Lu family.”
Weijian, you’re flattering him,” said Su Bei with a smile.
“I’m not bragging.
It’s not strange for him to start a business by himself and run a powerful company one day,” Lu Weijian continued.
Su Bei took his words as the pleasantries.
She said, “Mr.
Weijian, how can Heting compare with you?”
Hearing this, the smile on Lu Heting’s face was bittersweet.
He didn’t know how to smile.
What pleased him was that Su Bei completely treated him as a member of her family, and she treated Lu Weijian as an outsider.
But the problem was that he had been hiding his real identity for a long time in front of Su Bei, so he really couldn’t show more ability.
The domino effect!
But if he didn’t hide his real identity, he was afraid that his wife would run away again.
Lu Heting’s heart was full of struggle and confusion.
After seeing Lu Weijian off, Su Bei sat in the front row.
Although Lu Weijian was a nice person, it was really tiring to talk so formally.
“You must be tired, right?” Lu Heting asked with concern.
“Fortunately, Mr.
Weijian came to the ceremony.
Otherwise, it would be awkward to attend such a party.”
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