r-in-law for a long time, so he felt very kindly toward his sister-in-law.
Even Su Bei thought he was too kindly toward her.
Lu Weijian thought his brother was emotionless.
But he didn’t expect that his brother would have emotional upheavals because of the woman in front of him.
So he was very interested in Su Bei.
He was really impressed with Su Bei.
Seeing the expression on Lu Weijian’s face, Du Luo knew that he couldn’t invite Lu Weijian to sit in the front seat.
Lu Weijian probably came here for Su Bei today.
He didn’t expect that Mr.
Weijian, the leader of the Lu Group, would be one of Su Bei’s followers!
He was superficial! In that case, he didn’t want to deal with Lu Weijian anymore.
Su Huixian felt more and more uncomfortable.
It was not easy for Lu Weijian to come to her engagement party, but she didn’t expect that he came for Su Bei.
It seemed that he really wanted to show his true feelings for Su Bei.
But on second thought, would a rich man from a powerful family really love a woman? Today he could fall in love with a model like Su Bei, and tomorrow he might fall in love with another popular actress.
So Su Huixian finally calmed down a little.
Du Luo held her hand and accepted the blessings of all the guests with her.
The engagement party began.
Although both Du Luo and Su Huixian tried to comfort themselves in their hearts, their faces were still gloomy.
The engagement ceremony was very romantic.
Flowers and champagne were handed over again and again.
The guests also cooperated with each part of the show.
The applause and laughter poured into everyone’s ears.
But every time Su Huixian saw Lu Weijian and Su Bei sitting together and talking happily, Su Huixian’s heart began prickling uncomfortably again.
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