articular, he needed to be hugged by Su Bei.
But Su Bei directly put Gun Gun on his legs and let him hold Gun Gun.
Lu Heting held his son, full of resentment.
“You look much better now.
You are a person in good health.
Because your fever is brought down very quickly.”
Hearing her praise, Lu Heting didn’t know whether he should be happy or not.
Su Bei held Gun Gun in her arms.
“Forget it.
You’d better not hold Gun Gun.
What if you infect him with the virus later? He’s not as strong as you.”
She not only didn’t want to hold him, but also took his son away.
Lu Heting complained again.
Gun Gun said to Lu Heting complacently, “Bei Bei cares about me more.
I’m still the man Bei Bei loves most!
No, the boy!”
A phone rang and Su Bei answered it in a hurry.
Hello, auntie,” Su Bei said in surprise.
She had thought that she would never have any intersection with them.
The person on the phone asked her out for a cup of coffee sincerely.
After thinking for a while, Su Bei said, “Okay, let’s meet later.”
“Are you going out?” Lu Heting asked softly.
“Yes, Mrs.
Du wants to see me.
I don’t know what she wants to say,” Su Bei said.
“Du Luo’s mother?”
“Yes,” nodded Su Bei.
“Then I’ll go with you.” Lu Heting didn’t trust Du Luo and the Du family.
Since Su Bei had nothing to do with them, why did they want to see Su Bei?
Su Bei smiled.
“You haven’t recovered, have you? You’d better have a good rest at home.
I’ll be careful.”
Lu Heting really wanted to travel in time and take his words—it seems that I still need some time” back.
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