The paint was also very exquisite.
It could be seen that both the design and the materials were full of unique thoughts.
Besides, not only the model but also the color was ideal for her.
It was not easy to find such a car.
It was as if what stood in front of her was not a car but her dream lover.
Everything was taken from her mind and built bit by bit according to her thoughts.
The car and her dream were integrated to such a high degree.
Thus, the moment she saw it, she knew at a glance that it was what she wanted.
Yes, she wanted it!
“Miss Su, let me introduce this car to you.” Manager Gao saw the light in her eyes, so he smiled.
Su Bei smiled and asked, “How about the safety performance of this car?”
“Oh, it’s very safe! This car is equipped with a brake system unique in the world.
And its airbag has also been improved on international standards.
It will cause very minimal damage and provides maximum protection when it blows out.
The steel plate and the glass used in the car’s body are bulletproof, and its anti-collision ability is leading in the world.
Its intelligent system and driverless system are also of international standards verified by experts.”
As he spoke, Manager Gao’s eyes shone brightly.
He was the general manager, so he knew the advantages and values of this car too well.
He also loved cars, so he wished he could own such a car.
Actually, two hours was not enough to talk about the benefits of this car.
Even its advantages sounded almost exaggerated.
It could be said that as long as this car was available in the market, any rich people who had tried it would definitely buy it despite its high price.
Its producing cost had reached an astonishing price of thirty million yuan.
Therefore, this model couldn’t be mass-produced.
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