Emperor’s Domination
Chapter 428: Abundant Harves
Everyone heard about the High Gods visit to the Jilin Clan.
“That brat who calls himself Fiercest will have his head removed. Itll be a sacrifice to the two young lords from Southern Sun and Shrouding Sun.” Someone was fanning the fire from the shadow: “Otherwise, some random people can just massacre disciples from Jilin all they want, itll be a terrible precedence. How are we going to walk with our head high in Pure again?!”
“Thats right, use Fiercests blood as an offering for the young lords or the rest of the world will laugh at us for being weak.” Someone else chimed in right away.
“Our Jilin Clan has three emperors, enough to smile proudly across Pure. Fiercest is unbridled and doesnt care for Jilins prestige, doing whatever he wants in the Jilins territory, killing the innocent. This is provoking the Jilin, a crime worthy of death!” Many were asking for Li Qiyes death.
Many sect masters and ancestors glanced at each other after hearing these messages. The experienced people naturally knew that some people wanted to cause trouble. They wanted these rumors to reach the experts in the Jilin Clan.
“Looks like the High Gods want Fiercests life, no chance for peace.” A royal lord concluded.
“Fiercest will be visiting the Jilin, hes not afraid of anyone.” Another news came out soon after.
“Not afraid of anyone? He dared to say that? Thats too arrogant and domineering. It means he doesnt care about the High Gods or even the Jilin Clan. Who the hell is this guy?” More people stirred the pot, wishing chaos upon the world.
“Hmph, if this brat dares to act arrogant at our clan, well show him even if he has a High God as his protector. No one can challenge our prestige.” Some young disciples from the Jilin Clan were affected by the messages.
In a short time, the people of Jilin became animated with all kind of undercurrents flowing about. Some sects wanted to please Shrouding Sun and Southern Sun while others steered clear from the trouble.
During all of this, the Jilin Clan suddenly issued an invitation to the influential characters from the sects within its territory.
Some ancestors began to speculate the clans intention.
One ancestor thought: “Does the Jilin Clan want to make an example out of this event, starting with this Li Qiye?”
“Thats possible. Fiercest killed whoever he wanted in Jilin and two successors at that. It is indeed a blatant disrespect towards the clan. Remember, Southern Sun and Shrouding Sun are tributaries to the clan. You have to look at the master first before beating his dogs.” Another sect master said.
It didnt matter what the clan wanted to do. All the ancestors who received an invitation quickly headed for the clan. Some juniors who wanted to broaden their horizon also followed along.
During the turmoil, Li Qiye finally left the peak for the clan.
“Come, off to the Jilin Clan.” Li Qiye told Shen Xiaoshans group.
Tieshu Wengs legs grew weak right away for some reasons after hearing this.
If this was the past, he would be so excited. After all, a small sect like his wasnt qualified to have an audience with the Jilin Clan.
Just staring at the clan from the distance was a type of glory but actually entering the clan was something they never dared to dream of.
But now, following Li Qiye to the clan should be a type of rewards. In theory, he should be very excited. However, when Li Qiye said he wanted to do so, Weng had a strange premonition as if the sky was about to fall down. Something major was certainly going to happen. His intuition had always been apt.
He Chen, on the other hand, was excited with his eyes flashing after hearing this. It was definitely an exciting thing, being able to visit the Jilin Clan, almost like a dream coming true. He wished that he could be there at this very second.
Shen Xiaoshan didnt care too much. She only wanted to follow Li Qiye wherever he went, even if it meant jumping into a cauldron of boiling water. She was willing to do anything as long as she could stay by his side.
“Sir, I heard that both Southern Sun High God and Shrouding Sun High God are at the imperial clan right now.” Weng had also received some news despite staying at the peak.
He didnt dare to tell Li Qiye that these two High Gods wanted Li Qiyes head. The best thing to do now was to avoid the Jilin Clan so he was indirectly reminding Li Qiye.
“So what?” Li Qiye smiled freely: “They should be thanking their ancestors that Im not causing trouble for them but if they choose to be blind, then its their own fault for seeking death.”
Weng was scared out of his mind. For a minor character like him, just talking about a High God was terrifying enough, let alone actually opposing one.
However, this seemed so trivial to Li Qiye as if he didnt care about a High God.
Despite his fear, he still closed his eyes and followed Li Qiye to the clan. After choosing the path, he had no choice but to follow Li Qiye to the end. This amazing man was their only chance to rise.
Imperial Jilin, one clan with three emperors, a renowned lineage in Pure.
In the nine worlds, there were many imperial lineages with no lack of three emperors. However, it was a bit different in the tenth world.
A lineage from the nine worlds was only a legacy left behind by an emperor, but in the tenth world, some of these emperors were still alive. Thus, an imperial lineage from the nine worlds was weaker than one in the tenth world.
There was a big probability of a lineage from the nine worlds collapsing. However, even without any decline, other great powers had a chance to surpass them if these imperial lineages couldnt produce any capable successors.
This wasnt the case for the tenth world. As long as their emperors were still alive, these sects could last forever.
It didnt matter how strong other powers grew to be, they still had something incomparable – their emperors!
Thus, even the strongest great power wouldnt dare to talk about destroying an imperial lineage. Even the strongest High God wouldnt dare to do so.
After all, destroying an imperial lineage meant opposing an emperor which is why the High Gods had to tread very carefully.
This was the reason why Shrouding Sun and Southern Sun High Gods remained vigilant and acted properly in the Jilin Clan.
The clan had three emperors. Two were still alive while Nightfall Immortal Monarch had embarked on the ultimate expedition. There had not been any news about her but this didnt affect the Jilin at all.
Her influence and fame were still there in Pure. She played a great part in Jilins current success. It was because of her that the clan was able to become a present-day behemoth.
Before Nightfall, despite having two emperors already, the clan was still much weaker compared to the War-Monarch Clan and Dragon Citadel. But after the appearance of Nightfall with eleven wills, everything became different. Henceforth, the clan became a force to be reckoned with!
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