Chapter 199: The Suspect, Jiang Jinfu
Lu Zijia nodded in understanding.
Qi Anyan’s home had a huge fire at that time.
Not only was her house gone, she even lost her husband.
She had only her son left, so it was inevitable that she felt nervous.
“What’s the name of the gangster you talked about? And how old is he approximately right now?”
Qi Anyan pondered and said, “His name is Jiang Jinfu.
He should be in his fifties now.”
After that, something seemed to come to Qi Anyan’s mind and there was a hint of fear on her face.
She reminded Lu Zijia, “Miss Lu, if you want to find Jiang Jinfu, you must be careful.
It’s best if you find a few men to go with you.
“Jiang Jinfu doesn’t have a good reputation in Jianghe Village.
He’s not only a lazy gangster who likes eating.
I heard that he almost killed someone.”
And because Qi Anyan knew that Jiang Jinfu was a ruthless person, she dared not to tell anyone about it, even though she thought that the man who threatened her to shut up was very likely to be Jiang Jinfu.
She was afraid that if this spread out, Jiang Jinfu would come and slash both of them to death without caring about anything.
She only had her son left and that was her husband’s only bloodline.
She dared not to take that risk.
So, even though she had been feeling guilty about her husband’s death for so many years, she dared not to talk about it in front of anyone.
Lu Zijia smiled gratefully in response to Qi Anyan’s reminder.
“Alright, I’ll be careful.
“Did he still come to see you after that?”
Qi Anyan shook her head.
“After I guessed that the man might be Jiang Jinfu, I stayed at home with my son for six months and never went out.
I haven’t seen him since.”
During those six months, the two of them were lucky that Zhao Wentian gave them a lot of food.
Otherwise, they would probably have starved to death.
After getting a lot of information from Qi Anyan, Lu Zijia said goodbye and left.
However, before she went to Jianghe Village to investigate Jiang Jinfu, she received a call from Song Zixuan.
After hanging up the call, Lu Zijia couldn’t help but exclaim, “It’s great to have power and influence!”
Song Zixuan brought her good news in less than half a day.
Lu Zijia walked out of the hospital and directly took a cab to the police station in Creek Town.
When she arrived, Song Zixuan was already waiting at the entrance.
“I’ve already talked to the people inside.
You can go take a look, but someone will come with you and you can’t touch that skeleton either.”
Seeing Lu Zijia get off the cab, Song Zixuan took the initiative to walk over and said to her.
Lu Zijia nodded.
“It’s alright, I just need to see that skeleton.”
Hearing that, Song Zixuan was slightly relieved.
This was the first time he could help Lu Zijia.
If he couldn’t satisfy Lu Zijia, he would feel like he was useless.
Luckily, Lu Zijia was apparently quite satisfied with his performance.
Song Zixuan brought Lu Zijia into the police station and a cop soon came to greet them.
They were quite polite to Song Zixuan.
The cop took the two of them to a room in the innermost part of the police station.
The skeleton found in the mountain behind Zhao Village was there.
That cop seemed to be a bit afraid of that skeleton, so he only stood at the door and watched, not following them in.
Lu Zijia walked into the room where the skeleton was kept without changing her expression.
There was an unknown emotion flashing in her eyes.
The skeleton had already been put together.
Judging from the bones, Lu Zijia could see that the owner of this skeleton was a man.
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