Chapter 602: Do You Deserve To Be Guilty?
Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations
Old Master Tang was extremely nervous.
Su Bei, on the other hand, was completely unaware of the situation.
She did not know that her grandfather existed, and her thoughts were all on work.
When they reached the north, Su Bei sat in the car and saw the white snow outside.
It covered the entire land in pure white.
She looked at it happily and seriously.
The scenery was so beautiful.
No wonder when a writer described a snow scene, they would use descriptions like ‘thousands of miles of flying snow, turning the sky into a furnace that melted everything into silver.’
She quickly took a photo and sent it to Lu Heting, Da Bao, and Gun Gun.
[Look, it’s so beautiful!]
Then, she posted a picture of the snow scene on her WeChat Moments, writing: [The snow today is really beautiful!]
[Beautiful!] Lu Weijian maintained his image as a young master on WeChat.
Lu Heting said concisely: [Not as beautiful as you.]
Su Bei cupped her face and replied: [Not as beautiful as you either.]
Not long after they stayed in the hotel, everyone got ready and went for lunch.
Old Master Tang followed them into the hotel and quietly ate.
Actually, he had been observing Su Bei for a few days.
Su Bei had a cheerful personality and had a good relationship with her staff.
She was also very polite to people.
Even if she took a small thing from a waiter, she would seriously thank them.
It was completely different from the unruly, arrogant, and resentful girl Tang Yue described.
This made Old Master Tang suspicious.
He suppressed the urge in his heart and continued eating slowly.
Huang Zhixian, the photographer from Beauty, and his team were also staying in the hotel.
He had just sat down when he received a call from Jian Ping.
“Sister Ping, why are you so free to call me?” Huang Zhixian replied with a smile.
When Jian Ping confirmed that Hao Jiali was going to shoot the cover of Beauty Magazine, she had arranged for everything.
She insisted on having Huang Zhixian be the photographer because he was her distant cousin.
When Hao Jiali was filming, he could then pay special attention to her.
“Su Bei stole Jiali’s job.
How can I not be free?” Jian Ping said casually.
Huang Zhixian’s face turned cold.
“That’s right.
The cover this time should have belonged to your artist, but Su Bei snatched it away.”
“So… if Su Bei suffers during filming, doesn’t she deserve it?” Jian Ping asked with a smile.
Huang Zhixian understood what she meant.
When it came to filming, especially when they were outstation, the photographer would have the final say.
Since Su Bei had fallen into his hands, she naturally won’t be able to have it easy.
If Su Bei could not endure the hardships, then she could be replaced with Jian Ping, right?
After lunch, Yue Ze was busy with other things, so he entrusted Su Bei over to Xiao Bai and the other assistant.
After everyone got ready, the shooting began.
The outdoor shoot this time was to take photos of the snowy landscape and capture the beautiful winter scenery.
It would be the cover for New Year’s.
Su Bei changed into a thin silver-white dress and walked out with her coat wrapped around her.
Xiao Bai hurriedly passed her a heat patch and said, “It’s a little cold outside.
It’ll be difficult to take photos.
You’ll have to work hard.
But luckily, Brother Yue Ze has already communicated with the photographer before this.
You only need to stay in the snow for ten minutes or so..
You’ll be fine after the shoot.”
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