In the Su Mansion.
Everyone was in a festive mood.
Because today, the daughter of the head of the Su family, Su Bei, was finally getting married to her beloved fiance, Du Luo.
The reflection in the mirror showed her finely carved features.
She was like a masterpiece drawn by God on a canvas.
She was wearing a strapless wedding dress that enhanced her collarbones and made them more eye-catching.
The carefully tailored wedding dress hugged her slender figure tightly.
And its beautiful, full-length ruffles made the eighteen-year-old Su Bei look more feminine.
In S Country, the legal age to get married was eighteen.
So after her eighteenth birthday, Su Bei decided to marry Du Luo, the man she had loved for several years.
Although she had drunk a lot at her bridal shower last night, she still got up early to freshen up.
The day was breaking, and the sky was just turning bright outside as the sun was beginning to rise slowly from the east.
“Miss Bei, everything is ready now.
It’s still early.
Why don’t you rest for a while? We will come back for your makeup in two hours,” suggested the staff who was helping her dress up with a smile.
“Okay.” Su Bei looked at the dark circles under her eyes in the mirror and nodded.
She still felt a little groggy because she drank too much last night.
So she picked up the glass on the table and drank two mouthfuls of water.
When the staff left, a maid came in with a pot of bird’s nest soup and put it in front of Su Bei.
Su Bei filled a small bowl with the soup, and gulped down two mouthfuls of it.
Maybe because she drank too much wine last night, the tip of her tongue was bitter.
The soup tasted a little strange to her.
After finishing the soup in the small bowl, she didn’t eat more.
She just sat on the sofa and closed her eyes.
A few minutes later, th
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